Thursday, August 27, 2020

Frankenstein and the monster Essay

â€Å"How far would it be advisable for us to have sympathy for both Frankenstein and the beast? † Essay By taking a gander at the contentions both for and against having sympathy for Frankenstein and his beast, it is anything but difficult to see that we should have a lot of sympathy for both. The â€Å"monster† was enlivened on a dull night and tossed into accidentally into the wide world; a world where he was constrained into isolation because of the disregard of his maker and the dismissal of all who saw him. For a mind-blowing entire he was rejected by all who look at his shallow offensiveness in light of the fact that their making a decision about brains couldn't see the individual who lay underneath. As indicated by the beast, as he advises Frankenstein while conversing with him, â€Å"You must make a female for me with whom I can live in the exchange of those feelings important for my being†. All he needed was a limited quantity of adoration and love from any person or thing. This shows he has some human emotions and causes the peruser to relate to what Frankenstein’s beast needs to adapt to. The consistent dismissal the beast gets at long last drives him, the peruser accepts, to make a definitive penance, to stop the agony that tears through his body; he strays into the day off, the peruser thinks he ends it all. This finishes the anguish and empowers him to breathe a sigh of relief for first time since his introduction to the world. Others may differ and state that Frankenstein’s beast was made from the body portions of crooks and along these lines could be only shrewd himself. Utilizing the homicides he submits this point could maybe be supported. The beast executes the totally guiltless William and successfully slaughters Justine also, by savagely surrounding her for his lethal deed. As we discover in the monster’s story he presently imagined that â€Å"From subsequently forward, insidious be thou my acceptable. â€Å", demonstrating him as only insidious. Moreover he later homicides Frankenstein’s father, before completely wrecking Frankenstein’s last possibility of bliss, murdering his significant other Elizabeth on their wedding night. Having had everything taken from him, Frankenstein enters a condition of sadness, where the main thing he needs to live for is the need to crush his creation. The beast had done horrible in his life, just destroyed Frankenstein’s. At that point in a demonstration of fleeing from all he had done and surrendering on the grounds that the passing of his maker gave him nothing else to live for, he ended his own life. The end you could then reach from all that he did, is that he thusly merits no pity from anybody. In spite of the fact that these are totally admirable statements, there is an alternate method to take a gander at it. The horrible things the beast did were welcomed on by the disregard and dismissal he endured, and not being permitted to have somebody to love and care for. These are everything people can't manage, causing the peruser to feel greater pity on account of what he was headed to and the human needs and feelings he appears.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

John Kerry speech in my own words essays

John Kerry discourse in my own words papers Women and men of their word, I might want to thank you for coming here today around evening time and those of you at home viewing. This political race could be a significant defining moment ever. We have two options. The principal decision is to remain how we are presently, a country who is being misled. We could stay a country whose organization is degenerate. Or on the other hand, we could be a country that is come clean; a country whose organization isnt degenerate. We could be a country who either concurs or differs over the war that we are as of now partitioned on. Furthermore, I accept that as a country, we have to meet up. We have to have a feeling of solidarity. We should be a country that wont do battle over affectations made by our present organization. We ought to be a country of rising chance, not the country of contracting open doors for the white collar class that we are today. Our medicinal services arrangements or the need there of are shocking. We likewise need an or ganization that will take the necessary steps to ensure that America is protected. At the point when we did battle with Iraq, the country was under the feeling that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass devastation. Presently, we discover there were none, nor the advancements to make them, simply the thoughts. This doesnt state much for our insight organizations under our present president. I need to organize our insight offices with the goal that this doesn't occur once more. I will improve our capacity to accumulate, examine, and share data so we can find and stop fear based oppressors before they cause hurt. I will ensure our outskirts and air terminals are secure however without barging in on the publics individual freedoms that way we can prevent fear based oppressors from entering our nation. Here in America our police and fire fighters lack data, rigging and gear to play out their occupations as effectively as could be expected under the circumstances. I need to change that. I might want to give our cops and firemen the apparatus, knowledge and... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Awesome Slider With Progress Bar for Blogger

Awesome Slider With Progress Bar for Blogger Earlier I have shared with you a simple CSS slider with many effects. And now I am going to share another Slider which is really awesome. This slider is little different than previous one. I have added a program bar when sliding image will change then the progress bar will complete loading. You would see when you mouse over on the slider then a pause button will appear as well as the slider will pause. A beautiful image border added and it will change color on mouse over as well as you would see a shadow of the slider below frame. This slider build on complete CSS coding, not added any heavy javascript file. Whole code depend of moz and webkit transition affect. For using the slider you must use image with 600 X 200 px wide. You can use any image resizer to make the perfect size. This slider also able to display post caption within a transparent section. Hope it will help to beautify your blog. See the Demo from below before proceed to the tutorial. Live Demo Step 1Log in to your BloggerAccountand Go to yourBloggerDashboard Step 2Clickon Now click on-Template-EditHTML- Unfold code Step 3Now Find this code]]/b:skinby Pressing Ctrl+F Step 4Pastethebelow code Before/above]]/b:skinand Savethetemplates. /* Awesome Slider by */ #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider { width: 600px; height: 200px; margin: 40px auto 0; overflow: visible; background-color: #362c30; border: 10px solid #362c30; -moz-transition: all 150ms ease-in; -webkit-transition: all 150ms ease-in; -o-transition: all 150ms ease-in; position: relative;} #BSmask { overflow: hidden;} #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider:hover { background-color: #fff; border: 10px solid #00477D;} #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider:hover #BSpause { opacity: 1;} #BloggerSpiceAwesomeslider:hover #BSprogress { background-color: rgba(8,8,8,0.0);} #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider:hover ul, #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider:hover #BSprogress, #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider:hover { -moz-animation-play-state: paused; -webkit-animation-play-state: paused;} #BSpause { width: 600px; height: 200px; position: absolute; top: 0; opacity: 0; background-image: url(; background-position: 566px 10px; background-repeat: no-repeat; pointer-events: none; -moz-transition: all 150ms ease-in; -webkit-transition: all 150ms ease-in; -o-transition: all 150ms ease-in;} #BSprogress { width: 2px; height: 5px; background-color: #0066B3; -moz-animation: BSprogress 18s infinite; -webkit-animation: BSprogress 18s infinite; position: relative; top: -1px; -moz-transition: all 150ms ease-in; -webkit-transition: all 150ms ease-in; -o-transition: all 150ms ease-in;} #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider ul { width: 2400px; list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; -moz-animation: slide-animation 18s infinite; -webkit-animation: slide-animation 18s infinite; position: relative; left: 0px;} #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider li { display: inline; width: 600px; height: 200px; margin: 0; padding: 0; float: left; position: relative; background-image: url(; background-position: 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat;} #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider li:last-of-type { background-color: #362c30;} #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider li a { display: block; text-decoration: none;} #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider li span { display: block; width: 560px; padding: 15px 20px; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-color: rgba(54,44,48,0.6); border-top: 1px solid #362c30; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #362c30; pointer-events: none; text-align: left;} #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider-shadow { width: 100%; height: 260px; background-image: url(; background-position: center bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 10px auto 0;} @-webkit-keyframes slide-animation {0% {opacity:0;}2% {opacity:1;}20% {left:0px; opacity:1;}22.5% {opacity:0.6;}25% {left:-600px; opacity:1;}45% {left:-600px; opacity:1;}47.5% {opacity:0.6;}50% {left:-1200px; opacity:1;}70% {left:-1200px; opacity:1;}72.5% {opacity:0.6;}75% {left:-1800px; opacity:1;}95% {opacity:1;}98% {left:-1800px; opacity:0;}100% {left:0px; opacity:0;}}@-moz-keyframes slide-animation {0% {opacity:0;}2% {opacity:1;}20% {left:0px; opacity:1;}22.5% {opacity:0.6;}25% {left:-600px; opacity:1;}45% {left:-600px; opacity:1;}47.5% {opacity:0.6;}50% {left:-1200px; opacity:1;}70% {left:-1200px; opacity:1;}72.5% {opacity:0.6;}75% {left:-1800px; opacity:1;}95% {opacity:1;}98% {left:-1800px; opacity:0;}100% {left:0px; opacity:0;}}@-webkit-keyframes BSprogress {0% {width:0px; opacity:0;}2% {width:0px; opacity:1;}20% {width:600px; opacity:1;}22.5% {width:600px; opacity:0;}22.59% {width:0px;}25% {width:0px; opacity:1;}45% {width:600px; opacity:1;}47.5% {width:600px; opacity:0;}47.59% {width:0px;}50% {width:0px; opacity:1;}70% {width:600px; opacity:1;}72.5% {width:600px; opacity:0;}72.59% {width:0px;}75% {width:0px; opacity:1;}95% {width:600px; opacity:1;}98% {width:600px; opacity:0;}100% {width:0px; opacity:0;}}@-moz-keyframes BSprogress {0% {width:0px; opacity:0;}2% {width:0px; opacity:1;}20% {width:600px; opacity:1;}22.5% {width:600px; opacity:0;}22.59% {width:0px;}25% {width:0px; opacity:1;}45% {width:600px; opacity:1;}47.5% {width:600px; opacity:0;}47.59% {width:0px;}50% {width:0px; opacity:1;}70% {width:600px; opacity:1;}72.5% {width:600px; opacity:0;}72.59% {width:0px;}75% {width:0px; opacity:1;}95% {width:600px; opacity:1;}98% {width:600px; opacity:0;}100% {width:0px; opacity:0;}} #BloggerSpiceAwesomeSlider ul li span h2 { font-size: 24px; line-height: 24px; color: #fff; font-weight: normal; font-family: 'Communist-Regular'; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #362c30;} Step 5Now Find this codediv id='main-wrapper' by Pressing Ctrl+F Step 6Now Paste the Below code above div id='main-wrapper' div id=/aspanh2ADD CAPTION HERE/h2/span /li!-- Awesome slider by -- li a href=/a spanh2 ADD CAPTION HERE /h2/span /li!-- Awesome slider by --li a href=div div id=div Customization Replace # with Post URL. Replace Image URL Here with Post Image URL. Change Img Alter Text with Image alternative text. Change ADD CAPTION HERE with Post name.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The War Of The Iraq War - 958 Words

On September 11, 2001, two planes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, New York. This was the very first contact that the United States of America had with the terrorism that went on in Iraq. March 20, 2003 marked the day that President George W. Bush announced the start of the war against Iraq (1). This was the beginning of a very costly war on both America and Iraq. The cost of the Iraq War was not just the amount of money spent, but the impact of war on the soldiers and the toll that it took on the families of those who were involved, as well as the amount of time and dedication of resources put into the war by the Government. The amount of money spent during the Iraq War is a number that is not easily understood. The initial cost of the Iraq War has totaled up to be somewhere around 1.7 trillion dollars as of 2013 (2). While this is a staggering number, it has only become worse. A study has shown that the expenses over the next four decades could total u p to be around 6 trillion dollars not to mention the interest rate which could add another 4 trillion (2). These numbers do not even make a dent in what the U.S. is paying. In addition to the initial cost, there is also a price to be paid to the veterans that served our country. A 2011 study found U.S. medical and disability claims for veterans after a decade of war totaled $33 billion. In 2013, that number had risen to $134.7 billion (2). The War in Iraq brought devastation to theirShow MoreRelatedThe War Of Iraq War Essay1198 Words   |  5 Pagescontroversy, and terror. The capital of Iraq was shaking not only by their new government that reflected dealmaking not meritocracy but, also with an internal religious struggle that was peaking with seventy or more deaths a day. Death was far too easy in Iraq, the United States was in the search for the for the best approach in a hostile environment where the identity of the enemy is masked by the surrounding civilians. The pending question that comes from the war in Iraq war, What is the right approach toRead MoreThe War And The Iraq War862 Words   |  4 PagesThe Gulf War and the Iraq war can reflect the tension between a phenomenon is that the United States and the Middle East. The American media reported on the two Gulf War had many similarities. In the recent ten years, with the development of social economy and media technology has increased democratization, media reports and presents new features about the media. The topic of what the role of wars in the society has been discussed for many people. Some people argue that during the war, everythingRead More war in iraq1122 Words   |  5 Pagesfor the failed Iraq war. Congress is gearing up to pour more money to quot;stay the coursequot; of the past two tragic years. Tell your Member of Congress that not one more dime should go to waging war in Iraq. Instead, the U.S. must end the occupation, bring our troops home, and support Iraqi sovereignty. Many good-intentioned people in the United States say we cant withdraw our troops now and abandon Iraqis to chaos and disorder. Yet the U.S. presence on the streets of Iraq is fueling animosityRead MoreThe Iraq War1487 Words   |  6 PagesIn his 1988 Republican National Convention acceptance speech former U.S. President George H.W. Bush proclaimed that, â€Å"Weakness and ambivalence lead to war.†. For better or worse a states ability to influence world politics is primarily based on much power they have. In purely academic terms, power is the ability of Actor A to get Actor B to do something that B would otherwise not do; the ability to get the other side to make concessions and to avoid having to make concessions oneself (Frieden PRead MoreThe Iraq War1926 Words   |  8 PagesThe Iraq War began in 2003 and lasted until 2011, and stands to be among the most controversial conflicts of modern times. It was a war that proceeded without the approval of the United Nations (UN ) and was said to be a failure on all counts, for despite managing to end Saddam Hussein’s regime did not lead to an improvement in the situation in Iraq, and instead led Iraq to becoming a failed state and being on the brink of a civil war. According to then Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the Iraq WarRead MoreThe Just War : The Iraq War1132 Words   |  5 PagesBush, announce, â€Å"At this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger† (â€Å"War in Iraq Begins,† 2003). Bush and his advisor’s actions were based on the information that the Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, was building weapons of mass destruction. The Iraq War is a â€Å"just† war because it was a reasonable response with a moral purpose. The United States is known for helping other countries andRead MoreThe Vietnam War And Iraq Wars1214 Words   |  5 PagesFinal Exam Paper The Vietnam War and Iraq wars have many more similarities then the common American would think. Both were fighting gorillas in a foreign land in a way that the soldiers were never trained or prepared for, against a foe that despise America as a whole. However I believe the biggest difference is the American publics view and attitude toward each of the two wars. As well as the attitude of the soldiers in each of the wars in 2001 after the September 11 attacks we had people like PatRead More War in Iraq Essay801 Words   |  4 Pages War in Iraq nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Picture this, you, in a 3rd world country, no friends no family for thousands of miles, hungry, not feeling so well, tired, exhausted and being forced to fight thousands of people who want you out of there country? Fun? I wouldn’t think so†¦ This is a reality for thousands of American Soldiers stationed in Iraq and maybe your reality if the draft is reinstated. Now, picture this. You’re watching the news, they are calling out birthdays, oh they choose yoursRead MoreThe Iran Iraq War1566 Words   |  7 PagesThe Iran-Iraq lasted from September 1980 to August 1998, which made it the longest conventional war of the 20th century. The consequence of the war cost billions of dollars and millions of lives. The result of the war, although stalemate would be a critical factor that would shape the future of the Middle East. The historical deep-rooted hostile relationship that emanated from the ethnic Arab-Persian and religious Sunni- Shi’ite tensions between the two neighbouring countries contributed to the conditionsRead MoreThe Iraq War Of 20031350 Words   |  6 PagesThe Iraq war of 2003 is a blueprint of tyranny, which is full of controversial ideas, and works of individuals who believe that the United States of America is a crusader of freedom and democracy. And killing or unintentional homicide of substantial amount of civilians alongside with the targets of the U.S marines (Saddam’s armed forces) was a successful mission in the Middle East. An operation that was to be executed in a time limit, transformed into a war, which began in March 19th 2003 Invasion

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Basic Theories Of The Free Will - 1095 Words

Am I free to choose what I do? That is a question most people don t ask themselves. I believe that most people believe we have free will. I believe that many we are never truly free to choose. That our choices are ultimately affected by the situations around us that lead to choice we make. When viewing perspective we can decided that ultimately what around can shape us to do good or bad. This question ultimately leads us to an overwhelming question when it comes to the freedom we have in life and if we truly are free to choose. There are three basic theories involved in the free will debate. Determined being the first one all our choices are caused by preexisting events. Determination is based that free will that humans can t even act otherwise based on predetermined decision. Which is one of the basic theories I agree with the most. Because I believe that many times our choices are based around the circumstances that we are raised in. Which leads to the second basic theory compatibi lism is the freedom based on present or absent in situation that are presented in our lives. That many times things are presented to us in different manners. There are certain situations that could allow us true free will. While other moments may lead to decision based on the situations we may have been faced or grown into. The last theory is Libertarianism which says humans are free from physical determinism and all the other diverse forms of determinism. That there is little interventionShow MoreRelatedJohn Rawls s Theory Of Justice1471 Words   |  6 PagesJohn Rawls â€Å"A Theory of Justice.† John Rawls was an American political and moral philosopher. Rawls attempts to determine the principles of social justice. In this essay, I will elucidate John Rawls’ views on forming a social contract, the counter-arguments against Rawls’ theory and finally the state of debate on the counter-arguments. John Rawls set out on his discussion on justice and fairness in his book A Theory of Justice 1971. Rawls theory describes a society with free citizens holding equalRead MoreMoral Sentiments, By Adam Smith997 Words   |  4 Pagess well as abroad (Mastin, 2008). In Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith developed the foundation for a general system of morals. It showed that the moral ideas and action are the basic elements since human is social creatures. It identified that moral is the basic need as social using it to interact and express their feelings. It also stated that the society need the prudence and justice to survive, and explains the additional, beneficent, and actions that enable it to flourish. It was a veryRead MoreThe Agent Causality Theory Of Free Will1540 Words   |  7 Pages1. The agent-causality theory of free will is the theory that agents can start new causal chains that are not pre-determined by the events of the immediate or distant past and the physical laws of nature. Chisholm argues that the agent causes free actions, and that actions are self-determined, making them agent-caused. The theory states that we can bundle together all of an individual’s emotions, aspirations, dispositions, personality traits and we can then consider that the person’s character. ThenRead MoreJustice Means Equality For Equals And Inequality For Unequal s Equality1593 Words   |  7 Pageswill continue to be treated equally and those who are treated unequal will also continue to be treated unequally without a change. I argue that John Rawls theory successfully establishes â€Å"justice as fairness† in terms of reconciliatio n between liberty and equality. â€Å"According to Rawls, justice is what free and equal persons would agree to as basic terms of social cooperation in conditions that are fair for this purpose. This idea he calls justice as fairness.† Rawls wants to reconcile liberty andRead MoreA Theory Of Justice By John Rawls Essay909 Words   |  4 Pagesindividuals behind a veil of ignorance would assent to the two primary principles of justice found in Rawls’ ‘A theory of justice’. I will also analyse the extract, in particular debating whether various propositions made by Rawls in this extract are true. Initially it is important to situate the extract of discussion. Section 3 of ‘A theory of justice’ is the opening of Rawls’ argument in ‘A theory of justice’, where he introduces his ‘original position’, stating how rational individuals in a hypotheticalRead MoreGame Theory : An Integral Part Of Human Existence1570 Wo rds   |  7 Pagessomething that they want. Game theory is the study of all strategic decision making. However, my paper is on the topic of algorithmic game theory, which is the application of game theory to algorithm design. â€Å"Algorithmic game theory is the area in the intersection of algorithm design and game theory whose goal is to design algorithms in logical and strategic environments.† (Roberto and Goodrich, 2002) In order to better discuss the topic of algorithmic game theory, I am first going to discuss theRead MoreFall And Middle Range Theory1739 Words   |  7 PagesFall and Middle Range Theory Falls are one of the major patient safety problems that every facility encounter on a day to day basis. An aging patient population, combined with multiple diagnosis and medications are prime contributing factors for patient fall. Other contributing factors are shortage of nursing and auxiliary staff, ineffective work environment and shortage of appropriate equipment. According to the Joint Commission around 30-50 percent of the falls happening in the hospitalsRead MoreMaslow s Theory Of The Hierarchy Of Needs905 Words   |  4 Pagesenvironments, â€Å"not just instincts† (McShane Von Glinow, 2014, p.90). Third, Maslow put a positive spin on motivation theory. He stressed the importance of self-actualization, which had never been done before in the study of motivation. Maslow’s psychological theory â€Å"condenses and integrates the long list of drives and needs that had been preciously studied into a hierarchy of five basic categories† (McShane Von Glinow, 2014, p.90). In order of bottom-to-top, the five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy areRead MoreThe Secret Lives Of The Brain1387 Words   |  6 PagesThese new discoveries continue to disprove previous theories, and have now begun to affect the way society views and perceive criminal law and the way it operates. In his book Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain, David Eagleman argues that there is a deep problem regarding how we think about whether it makes sense to blame people for their actions. Eagle argues that, in light of recent technological medical advancements, the existence of free will is beginning to seem highly improbable, and thatRead MoreBiological vs Humanistic Approach to Personality1540 Words   |  7 Pagesaround the basic principles that have been propos ed. Also, look for places where you can link the theories to each other and to other perspectives of personality. In this way, the content of the biological perspective is most likely to make sense and become part of your understanding of human psychology. One of the pioneers in attempting to relate personality to biology was the British psychologist Hans Eysenck. His theory is complex and has evolved over the years, but one of its basic assumptions

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Minority Action Committee ( Mac ) Of San Diego Essay

The Minority Action Committee (MAC) of San Diego is committed to improving the lives of minorities through the adoption of favorable policies. MAC is highly concerned with the high obesity rates amongst minority communities. This policy brief will outline the factors pertaining to the persistent obesity rates amongst minorities – specifically, Latino and African American communities — and provide policy suggestions to the San Diego city council MAC believes will assist the city of San Diego in reducing the obesity rate in minority communities. Issue The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported since 1960 adult obesity has tripled and since 1970 childhood obesity rates have also tripled (May, Freedman, Sherry Blanck, 2013). However, in comparison with national averages, obesity rates amongst minorities remains exceedingly high. Currently, 38 percent of adults in America are obese (Segal, Rayburn Martin, 2016). Meanwhile, 48.4 percent of Blacks are obese, 42.6 percent of Latinos are Obese and 36.4 percent of Whites are obese. Furthermore, childhood obesity rates for American children is 17 percent. Examination of the data reveals 21.9 percent of Latino children are obese, 19.5 percent of Black children are obese and 14.7 percent of Whites are obese (Segal, Rayburn Martin, 2016). These gaps are significant and represent a major health disparity. Health disparities are the quantifiable variances in health outcomes amongst groups of people. ObesityShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesMa nager Training and implementation support MAKE IT YOURS! Fundamentals of Human Resource Management Tenth Edition David A. DeCenzo Coastal Carolina University Conway, SC Stephen P. Robbins San Diego State University San Diego, CA Tenth Edition Contributor Susan L. Verhulst Des Moines Area Community College Ankeny, IA John Wiley Sons, Inc. Associate Publisher Executive Editor Senior Editoral Assistant Marketing Manager Marketing AssistantRead MoreCase Studies67624 Words   |  271 Pagesrefining industry C-44 Compaq in crisis C-67 Gillette and the men’s wet-shaving market C-76 Incat Tasmania’s race for international success: Blue Riband strategies C-95 Kiwi Travel International Airlines Ltd C-105 CASE 8 Beefing up the beefless Mac: McDonald’s expansion strategies in India: C-120 CASE 9 Nucor Corporation and the US steel industry C-128 CASE 10 Pacific Dunlop: Caught on the half volley C-157 CASE 11 Philip Morris C-173 CASE 12 Pisces Group of Singapore C-188 CASE 13 RafflesRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagessucceed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. Cameron UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Editor in Chief: Eric Svendsen AcquisitionsRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages Organizational Behavior This page intentionally left blank Organizational Behavior EDITION 15 Stephen P. Robbins —San Diego State University Timothy A. Judge —University of Notre Dame i3iEi35Bj! Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services:Read More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 PagesStatistics and Data Analysis This page intentionally left blank Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis Third Edition Roxy Peck California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Chris Olsen George Washington High School, Cedar Rapids, IA Jay Devore California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Australia †¢ Brazil †¢ Canada †¢ Mexico †¢ Singapore †¢ Spain †¢ United Kingdom †¢ United States Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, Third Edition Roxy Peck, ChrisRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagesadded to most chapters. †¢ Answers to selected exercises are now available in Appendix 1 †¢ A third major computer exercise has been added to the Appendix 2; †¢ The â€Å"Snapshot from Practice† boxes feature a number of new examples of project management in action as well as new research highlights that continue to promote practical application of project management. Overall the text addresses the major questions and issues the authors have encountered over their 60 combined years of teaching project managementRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesinnovation in companies at a far faster rate than would have been the case if there had been no boom; that is, without those effects, innovation might not have taken place at all. All this business growth has caused increasing complexity i n business action and decision making. It has presented chief executive officers (CEOs) and management leaders in all markets and industries with new intricacies in deciding how to weigh and time the business decisions—and the quality of those decisions—that increasingly

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Market Strategy Of Pinatex In New Zealand †

Question: Discuss about the Market Strategy Of Pinatex In New Zealand. Answer: Slide One It is the title slide. Slide 1 consists of the details of the student and it introduces the topic of the assignment. The topic of the assignment is Pinatex, a textile fabric that is extracted from the by-product of the pineapple fruit. The product is doing the business globally. Slide Two This slide consists of the topics that are to be discussed in the presentation. The topic includes the market strategy of the product. It includes the competitive strategy, the entry strategy, the pricing strategy, the development strategy, the distribution strategy and the promotional strategy (, 2017). Slide Three This slide consists of the reasons of choosing New Zealand as the proposed country for the analysis of the marketing strategies of the product. Pinatex is a unique fabric made out of the by-product of the pineapple fruit. It is as good as leather. New Zealand has been chosen for this because this product is not yet launched in the market of New Zealand. Therefore, there is huge scope for Pinatex no such competitor has come up with something like this (Gullingsrud, 2017). Slide Four This slide consists of the market selection and entry strategy. The import of the product is the first and foremost entry strategy. The products should be made available in almost all the commercial market of New Zealand. All types of garments should be made out of this fabric, which can attract all types of customers (Heredia, 2015). Slide Five Slide 5 contains the competitive strategy of the product. The biggest competition of pinatex is Quantum cat designs (Payne, Brough Musk, 2016). Leather is a costly product and now has become a luxury ((Hijosa, 2015). To increase the revenue pinatex needs to maintain the price and the quality of the products and the variety of the same compared to the leather. It should made the quality better than the Quantum cat designs to make a mark in the market of New Zealand. (Kinnunen, 2017). Slide Six This slide contains the details regarding the pricing strategy. The price of the product should be kept initially low and it can be increased once the maximum people like the product and after it becomes popular in the market. The range should be such that people from all background can afford the product (OCass, Ngo Heirati, 2012). The budget pricing strategy and the luxury pricing strategy should be maintained differently. Slide Seven This slide contains the distribution strategy. The product should be distributed evenly in the global market. There should not be shortage of product in the market as it can create a negative impact in the market. There should not be product shortage in the market. The distribution should be checked properly. Slide Eight This slide contains the promotional strategies. There should be effective promotional strategies. Proper advertisements of the product should be done which will include advertisements in the newspapers and hoardings. The arrangement of special campaign should be made aiming at the delivery of product knowledge to the customers (Scerbaka Ulme, 2016). Slide Nine Finally, it can be concluded by stating that the application of the mentioned strategies will increase the revenue of the Pinatex in the market of New Zealand. It gives a new angle to the global market. The above-mentioned strategies are essential for the profit of any company especially in some new place or new country. Pinatex has not yet made a place in New Zealand. The application of the strategies might make it a popular textile fabric in any country. Refernces (2017).Introducing Piatex - ananas anam. [online] ananas anam. Available at: [Accessed 18 Sep. 2017]. Gullingsrud, A. (2017).Fashion Fibers: Designing for Sustainability. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. Heredia, G. H. (2015). Implementation of sustainable technology into footwear. Hijosa, C. (2015).Piatex, the design development of a new sustainable material(Doctoral dissertation, Royal College of Art). Kinnunen, S. (2017). All-Cellulose Shoe: Novel Wood-Based Materials in Footwear. OCass, A., Ngo, L. V., Heirati, N. (2012). Examining market entry mode strategies via resource-based and institutional influences: Empirical evidence from a region-within-country economy context.Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ),20(3), 224-233. Payne, A., Brough, D., Musk, P. (2016). Will we soon be growing our own vegan leather at home?.The Conversation. Scerbaka, A., Ulme, A. (2016). Natural and modern innovative materials in the clothing industry.Rigas Tehniskas Universitates Zinatniskie Raksti,11, 18.